O ministério da saúde adverte:

Tomar banho de Slime causa uma crise de risos:

Bring On the Slime|Jack Black basks in all of his goo-lory in the ooeist, gooiest, finale slime-tacular!

There's Nowhere to Heid!|Heidi Klum got a surprise face full of globbery goo while presenting for Favorite TV Actress.

Carrey On The Slime-a-thon!|Jim Carrey is no stranger to getting all gooed up in green. Just look how much he's loving this slimefest!

King of Slime|Josh Duhamel takes a seat on his slime throne after winning the Arm Fart Extavaganza.

Sipping Slime|Jason Segel got a taste of globbery goo after Jane Lynch slathered him with a slime slurpie.

Just South of Slimeville|Snoop Dogg really got slimed from every direction! It's coming at him from the north, south, east AND west!

Querem conferir os ganhadores do KCA 2011 da nick? entra lá: http://www.nick.com/kids-choice-awards/nominees/


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2 Respostas para “O ministério da saúde adverte:

  1. carolina


  2. Suelen

    Adorei,se puder,dá uma passada no meu blog: http://su-thebest.blogspot.com/ e se quiser seguir eu vou adorar!!!!!!abraço

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